Healing Vibrations for Jason
Sat, Apr 20
Donation based Sound Meditation by Lele N and guest flute performance by Kate H, in benefit of our friend Jason Noon

Time & Location
Apr 20, 2024, 9:30 AM – 11:00 AM
Melbourne, Florida A1A, Melbourne, FL 32903, USA
About the event
If you are here you probably know that our good friend Jason Noon has been facing some health challenges since he endured long term covid last year.
In an effort to help our good friend, certified Sound Healer and owner of Shanti Wellness, Lele N. will be performing a group Sound Mediation, with Himalayans and crystal bowls, tuning forks, and chimes, with guest flute performance by Kate Hunt, from KTG Yoga & Wellness.
The meditation will begin at 9:30a, until 10:30a with a little reset to end the session. Participants interested in a personal vibrational healing experience, can pre-register (in person), for the Small Group session from 10:45a to 11:15a. This personal vibrational work is a wonderful way to cleans unwanted energy and reset the chakra centers all over the body, leaving participants feeling amazing.
To top it off, you can end your wellness experience with a wonderful massage by John A. from The Fix until 12p.
This is a donation event to help easy some of the financial burden that this condition has placed on out friend Jason and his family.
If you have additional questions regarding the meditation or small group session, please call 321 525 6276, or email ShantiWellnessFL@gmail.com
If you cannot attend, but wish to help Jason and his family, please donate at